Congratulations on paying off your car loan and becoming the sole owner of your vehicle! We understand that you may be wondering when you'll receive the title for your car. The time it takes to receive the title can vary depending on factors like your state of residence and your lender.
In most cases, we aim to send you the title within two weeks of receiving your final loan payment and having the payment clear. If you have an electronic title, we may be able to transfer it to you quickly and easily within just a few days.
However, if you have a paper title, we'll need to release the lien and mail the title to you. Please ensure that we have your current mailing address on file to avoid any delays. This process can take longer, usually between one week to six weeks.
It's important to remember that each state has its own specific process for releasing the lien and transferring the title. If you have any questions or concerns, you may want to contact your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or equivalent agency for more information on the requirements in your area.
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